Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week 11

Assignment: Insert pictures into comic life program to finalize the project.

Using comic life, i had to using my twelve scenes and put them together in a comic like display. Different templates were used. With those templates we could re size the boxes and form different shapes for our picture to be displayed. Also with comic life the use of thought bubbles, talking bubbles, noises and titles were available to use. For some scenes i used the scene twice and zoomed in on a certain part of the scene to show emphasis to my audience. 

I used talking bubbles to help my audience better understand my comic. Also, i used some noises and thought bubbles again to catch my audiences attention.

The comic is about two sisters who are in there first year of college and one sister, Em, declares to be an acting major. The only problem is is she is falling her classes due to her lack of emotion. Her sister, Mia, comes up with an idea to give Em some of her emotions by using this magical box she has under her bed. Mia releases her emotions into the box and delievers them to Em. Em opens the box and is overcome with Mia's emotions and starts getting A's is her class. Five years later Em is a successful actress.

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